Art, Thursday Art and Dinner Date

Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Far Away

Art Date: This week’s art prompt is Far Away

Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! This week’s optional art prompt is Far Away. Daffy Duck wants you to join him and Tweety Bird as they travel to a land far, far away. Daffy is posing as Peter Pan and Tweety Bird is enjoying sprinkling fairy dust as Tinker Bell. I drew this with markers and coloring pencils.

Bob Ross Style Mountains – Oil Painting

This image is a painting of Rain Frances Arts' How To Paint Mountains.

Far away in the distance, a glorious mountain chain appears as the fog lifts! I pulled out my dusty old oil paints for this painting. I’m taking an oil painting course and it’s all theory right now…I was itching to paint something. I used the Bob Ross style of painting. The background is painted with a 1-inch paintbrush and I created the mountains using my palette knife.

Rain Frances Art For Kids! – Giraffe Drawing

This week I also drew a giraffe for my YouTube channel Rain Frances Art For Kids! I drew this with coloring pencils.

Here is the real-time drawing lesson on YouTube. Please share this with anyone you might think will enjoy it!

Dinner Date: Pasta with Olive Oil, Garlic and Tomatoes Served with Homemade Focaccia Bread

For our dinner date, I made an Italian-style fiesta! I love pasta aglio e olio – that’s Italian for garlic and olive oil; but I also love my tomatoes! So that’s how this recipe came together. The pasta sauce is done in 20 minutes, it’s so simple and delicious! Here is the written recipe: Pasta With Garlic, Olive Oil and Tomatoes.

Focaccia Bread

This image shows a top view of my focaccia bread.

This bread is something else! It’s very easy to make and pairs very well with the pasta dish. For the written recipe, please click here.

Here are the video instructions for the Pasta and Focaccia Bread:

That’s all for now folks! Please join us again next Thursday for Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Next week’s optional art prompt is: “Lips”. If you’d like a heads-up, here is a list of all of the art prompts for 2024.


  1. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    A lovely post.
    Hope you are having a good week.

    All the best Jan
    The Low Carb Diabetic

  2. Louise (Fundy Blue)

    Hi, Rain! What a great post today! Your mountains are awesome! My Uncle Kelsey Raymond who was/is a well-known Nova Scotian painter mostly painted with his palette knife. That giraffe is so darn cute! Your pasta and focaccia bread look delicious. I’ll say it again: You are amazing!

    • Louise!!! ♥ Thank you so much! I just looked up your uncle and saw a few of his paintings, wow. I love his work!

      • Louise (Fundy Blue)

        Isn’t it wonderful, Rain, and he painted with a palette knife which gave so much texture to his paintings. I spent many happy hours with Uncle Kelsey when he was painting, and I looked after his paint shop when he went for lunch. My dream was to have one of his paintings. He and my parents gave me one for a wedding gift in my first marriage. My awful first husband made sure I didn’t get the painting when we separated. I was afraid to take it in my car when I left California for my parents’ home in Calgary. He immediately gave it away when I was on the way to Canada. I didn’t think even he could stoop that low. His paintings have always been out of my reach. Now I’ve let it go. I have my memories of a wonderful uncle. Actually he’s my cousin, because my mother and he were first cousins. We always called him uncle out of respect. I hope you are having a great week! Hugs to you!

        • Louise, what a horrible thing to happen. You know how some people are, so vindictive and arrogant. I’m so sorry that piece was lost to you. Memories are all we take with us right? ♥♥

  3. Debra SheWhoSeeks

    Your “Bob Ross” mountains are marvelous — very accomplished! I’m glad you’ve added the button to subscribe to blog updates via email because my blog reader can’t show any new posts from a dot-com address!

  4. Rain,

    Neverland is far away. What a wonderful idea for your art contribution!! And, I just love your oil painting – beautiful job! I love Bob Ross!! I will have to watch your tutorial when I have more time. I was about to forget to link up and visit with you today. My brain is so scattered these days. Thanks for hosting and have a good weekend, my dear! xo

    • I think my brain is scattered along with you Cathy. So much going on! Thanks so much, I really enjoy using Bob Ross’ style of painting…and listening to him! Have a lovely weekend my friend! ♥

  5. For once, I have something that fits the theme! Hooray! And by the way, your sign-up works well for the newsletter. I’ll double check to make sure I hit the one to sign up for regular posts because I thought I had but missed the Bob Ross! Probably my bad!

  6. I love daffy … the drawing looks so fun 🙂 my world is covered in ice today, kids are home. I think I will get them to draw a girraff for me 😍

  7. NatureFootstep

    love your little fairy and the mountain 🙂

  8. Lovely far away art Rain and the pasta a foccacia look delicious!

  9. Carola Bartz

    Your mountains in the distance are beautiful. The pasta dish looks delicious – olive oil, garlic and tomatoes sounds wonderful – and so does the foccaccia. I sometimes bake foccaccia and we eat it with some Mediterranean dishes.

  10. Oh daffy! So colorful and bright with Tinkerbell. I love it! Aloha!

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